Sunflower Community Credit Union is committed to making available financial products and services that will enable our members to meet their financial needs and reach their financial goals.  Protecting personal information and using it in a manner consistent with member expectations is a high priority for everyone associated with this credit union.  To ensure that members can rely on the quality of products and services made available, Sunflower Community Credit Union stands behind the following privacy policy:

  •  YOUR credit union will only collect the personal information necessary to conduct our business.
  •  YOUR credit union will protect your personal information.  Members will always have access to their information.
  •  YOUR credit union will only share information when absolutely necessary.
  •  YOUR credit union will partner only with businesses that follow similar strict confidentiality requirements.

If you have any questions concerning the privacy of your personal information, please contact me at 785-562-3741 or stop by at 822 Broadway in Marysville.

Janet Fritschi


Phone: (785) 562-3741
Fax: (785) 562-3439

407 Broadway
P.O. Box 190
Marysville, KS 66508

Branch Hours
Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sat: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Get in touch with us today if you have any questions about Sunflower Community Credit Union.